The Puzzle of the Multiverse

Ana Sofia Miranda Serrano
2 min readNov 28, 2020

The universe is a complicated thing to comprehend. The universe is space and time and its contents including matter and energy which has formed planets, stars, and galaxies through the Big Bang. The theory of the multiverse is the idea that there are other universes like ours out there. Due to the speed and the recurrent inflation of the universe, the only thing visible is the observable universe. The universe is 13.7 billion years old, it may seem much but due to its size light cannot travel that far. We can’t observe the observable universe and everything out there is a mystery to us. This can allow the creation of many theories of how our universe may work like for example, a bubble multiverse, a mathematical multiverse universe but most known as the infinite multiverse. This last idea of a multiverse means that the universe is infinite and it is expanding. There are various possibilities of having the same combination creating different universes.

This is where the idea of multiverses come. When looking at the inflation of the Big Bang has been accelerating each time more. This shows that the universe is most likely to continue expanding infinitely than to slow down/stop. With this information, we can assume that if the universe is infinite it has always been infinite since the big bang it has been infinitely dense and since then there has been inflation creating more space between masses making it just less dense. It is like the cheese explanation on the cheese there are bubbles that represent our universe and as the cheese melts the bubbles also get bigger explaining how a multiverse would work.

On the other hand, The universe is so large and old that it is impossible to understand the scale of it. It is possible that when exploring the universe we could go in circles but it may seem infinite as its existence is difficult to comprehend. So we would never know if it was infinite or not. As humans, we are not able to travel at the speed that the universe is expanding and at the same time there has not passed enough time so that the light from systems far away can get to us. This means that the universe is functionally infinite but someone that says that it is finite or infinite is misinformed because we can never be certain.

